Happy New Year to all! The Taoist Sanctuary is starting 2016 with a boatload of great seminars and workshops, so take advantage of this opportunity to jumpstart your qi.
January 5th – Ken Cohen starts his 3 part seminar on Eight Energies of Taijiquan
January 14th – Jan Silberstorff starts his 4 day seminar on Taoism and Chen style Taijiquan
January 26th – Bill and Allison Helm offer an evening seminar on Stance and Sinking as part of the Monthly Workshop Series
Jan Silberstorff will be leading a China trip this summer, and will hold an information meeting on January 15th at 5:15.
The Taoist Sanctuary will offer an in depth teacher training certification program beginning this January. An information meeting will be held January 11th at 7pm.
Save the dates for Grandmaster Chen Xiaoxing – March 3-8, 2016!
See you in class!