Coming out of Quarantine

Hello everyone!

Today the Governor and Mayor approved some significant milestones for us here in San Diego. Besides the AMAZING news of hair salons being able to open again, and restaurants being able to resume sit-down dining, they also approved individual sports coaching lessons, as long as both parties wear masks and stay 6 ft apart. This opens the door to private lessons for those who are interested. Please contact us for more information - you can message me (Allison) through Facebook either on my own page or through the Sanctuary Facebook page. I am available to teach, and there may be other teachers who are also available. It may be helpful for you to do a lesson or two to get yourself back in the swing of things, in case you have not been as strict in your home practice :)

I applaud our leaders in how they have handled this shutdown and gradual reopening. I also applaud everyone who adhered to the strict guidelines and limited their activities for the greater good. It’s allowed us to reopen some things ahead of other places in the state where compliance wasn’t as good. I think small group classes are not too far in the future now. We will start outdoors at Morley Field as soon as we are able to gather in small groups. To start, we will do classes Tuesday/Thursday, Wednesday evening, and Saturday mornings. More information with specific times and locations will be posted as we edge closer to Phase 3.

In the meantime, keep practicing, stay safe and healthy, wear a mask when needed, and we can’t wait to see you all again soon!
